1. To develop students' interest in present and future, and to promote their study of, the past.
2. To understand cultural, social, political, economic, intellectual and religious changes in the past, and their relation to the historical context of the period.
3. To enhance students' general intellectual development by improving their comprehension of their own and others' cultures.
4. To improve the sense of proportion about current issues and problems.
5. To improve the ability to recognise and question prejudice and to challenge orthodox views and socially accepted assumptions and to assume responsible roles in society and to maintain and develop their own intellectual and cultural activity.

1. To develop the skills to think "objectively" and analytically about ways in which social forces affect our everyday lives.
2. To understand the perspectives of persons with different cultural, ethnic and social background.
3. To develop some understanding of social science research techniques, their assumptions, strengths and weaknesses.
4. To become familiar with the major schools of thought, research findings, and theories of Sociology.
5. To be able to identify and discuss the differences between the major theoretical paradigms used by sociologists in the analysis of society.
6. To develop the ability to examine critically the institutions and social organizations, and to recognize the importance of the interdependence of our world's indigenes and peoples.

The discipline focuses on enhancing understanding of one-self and other people. To become acquainted with the field and obtain practical and useful knowledge which can be applied in day to day life. To become more observant of people who are achievers and also show concern towards people who have problems in setting, working towards and achieving a goal. To become a catalyst to change for the better.